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Rahu in eleventh house

In this blog, we will discuss the impact of Rahu in 11th house of birth chart. How will this placement of Rahu affect health, married life, home/happiness and unexpected incidents in life with their positive or negative flavours and the best remedies?

What is eleventh house of birth chart :

The eleventh house in a birth chart represents a person’s hopes, wishes, and aspirations. It is associated with friendships, social connections, and community. This house also governs over profits and gains, including financial gains, material possessions, and earnings. It is also related to the person’s elder siblings and their relationship with them. The eleventh house is also associated with the person’s ability to network and connect with others, as well as their ability to be a part of a community or group. It is also linked to the person’s ability to achieve their goals and aspirations, and the person’s ability to make friends and build strong relationships. Overall, the eleventh house represents a person’s ability to connect with others and achieve their aspirations.

Rahu in the eleventh house and general characteristics:

Rahu in the eleventh house can indicate a strong desire for material gain and financial success. This placement can also indicate a strong desire for social connections and a sense of belonging to a community or group. They may have a strong interest in networking and building relationships.
People with Rahu in the 11th house may have a tendency to be ambitious and driven, constantly seeking new opportunities for material gain and financial success. They may also have a tendency to be outgoing and sociable, making friends easily and building strong relationships.
However, Rahu in the 11th house can also bring challenges in the form of an obsession with material gain, which can lead to financial instability and problems in relationships. They may have a tendency to be attracted to people who are not genuine and may have an unhealthy desire for social status and connections. They may also have a tendency to make friends with people who are not good for them.
Rahu in the 11th house can also indicate a lack of relationship with the elder siblings, or a strained relationship with the elder siblings.
Overall, Rahu in the 11th house can bring both opportunities for material gain and financial success, as well as challenges in the form of an obsession with material gain, and problems in relationships. It is important for people with this placement to be mindful of their desires and to strive for balance in their pursuit of material gain and financial success. They should also develop a clear understanding of their values and beliefs to avoid being swayed by superficial connections

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Rahu in the 11th House Career :

Rahu in the 11th House may be drawn to careers in business, finance, and marketing. They may also be drawn to careers in networking, public relations, and sales. They may also be drawn to careers in politics, and as a leader. They may also be attracted to careers that involve working with people from different cultures and backgrounds. Careers in business, finance, and marketing are also suitable for them. They may also be drawn to careers that involve working with people from different cultures and backgrounds.

Rahu in the 11th House Marriage / Married life :

Rahu in the 11th house can indicate a strong desire for financial stability and material gain in marriage. They may have a tendency to be attracted to partners who are financially stable and can provide for them. They may also have a tendency to be attracted to partners who are from a different culture or background. This placement can also indicate a tendency towards multiple marriages or unconventional marriages. It is important for the person to be aware of these tendencies and to work on developing open communication and understanding with their partner, while also focusing on building a strong emotional and spiritual connection.

Rahu in the 11th House health :

Rahu in the 11th house can indicate potential health issues related to the legs and the circulatory system. The person may also suffer from chronic ailments or have a tendency towards addiction. They may also have a tendency towards mental health issues, such as anxiety and depression. This placement can also indicate a tendency to gain weight, and have problems with obesity. It is important for the person to be mindful of these potential health issues and to take preventative measures to maintain their physical and mental well-being. They should also consult with a medical professional if they experience any concerning symptoms or health issues.

Positive Impact of Rahu in the 11th House :

  • Strong desire for financial success and material gain.
  • Strong interest in networking and building relationships.
  • Ability to be ambitious and driven.
  • Strong ability to connect with people from different cultures and backgrounds.
  • A tendency to be outgoing and sociable, making friends easily.

Negative Impact of Rahu in the 11th House

  • Obsession with material gain and financial success.
  • Attraction to superficial connections and people who are not genuine.
  • Unhealthy desire for social status and connections.
  • Tendency to make friends with people who are not good for them.
  • Lack of relationship with elder siblings or a strained relationship with elder siblings.
  • Financial instability and problems in relationships.
  • Tendency towards multiple marriages or unconventional marriages.
  • Tendency towards chronic health issues or addiction.
  • Tendency towards mental health issues, such as anxiety and depression.
  • Tendency to gain weight, and have problems with obesity.

Remedies for natives who have Rahu in the eleventh house of the birth chart :

  1. Offerings to Lord Kubera: Lord Kubera is said to be the god of wealth and prosperity, and making offerings to him can help to alleviate any negative effects of Rahu in the 11th house.
  2. Engaging in charitable deeds and helping the less fortunate: Engaging in charitable deeds and helping the less fortunate can help to alleviate the negative effects of Rahu in the 11th house.
  3. Wearing a Cats eye: Wearing a cats eye can help to neutralize the negative effects of Rahu and bring stability and balance to the person’s financial and material gain.
  4. Chanting of Rahu Beej Mantra: Chanting the Rahu Beej Mantra, "Om Bhram Bhreem Bhroum Sah Rahave Namah" can help to alleviate the negative effects of Rahu and bring good luck and success.
  5. Building strong emotional and spiritual connections: Building strong emotional and spiritual connections with family and loved ones, can help to alleviate the negative effects of Rahu in the 11th house.

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