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Ketu Saturn conjunction, What is ketu saturn conjunction in astrology

In this series, we will discuss one more unique conjuction found in many horoscopes of the slowest moving planet Saturn (Shani) and One of the Malefics which causes pain even to the king of the zodiac and itself is a shadow planet which means it is not visible by naked eyes i.e. Ketu also known as the South node of Moon as per the Western astrology. However, since we are primarily referring to the Vedic combinations and their readings accordingly we will call these “Saturn Ketu conjunction” Once we have discussed what this CONJUNCTION (combination/conjunction) means post that we will discuss house wise its effect on CAREER, health, married life, home/happiness and unexpected incidents in life with their positive or negative flavours and the best remedies.

What is Saturn in Astrology ?

Saturn is the slowest-moving planet in the Vedic planetary system. It stays in one zodiac house for at least two and a half years i.e. 2.5 years in one zodiac. During its stay in a particular zodiac, it can also become retrograde and move backwards for some time. Once its distance from Sun decreases it ends its retrograde motion. This means that Saturn is generally retrograde in a zodiac quite a few times. When it is retrograde it is supposed to be more powerful in its gaze(aspect) and its result-giving as well.
Because Saturn is slow it is also termed a lame planet and many times the issues related to lame walking of individuals and knee issues are seen from the impact of Saturn on the individual through its positioning in the horoscope or its transit or the age and forming yog(combinations) at the time of specific transits.

Quite strangely, Saturn the planet which is known as the Karaka(factor) for servants in one’s life is also the Judge amongst the Planets and Saturn is what decides who gets what punishment during their lifetime as read in a horoscope.
The main purpose of Saturn is to judge the karmas of a person and grant them the results accordingly, so when a person doesn’t learn about maturity, responsibility, discipline and learn about the importance of service in general, Saturn gives very harsh results and turns a king into pauper or vice versa.

Saturn dasha is for 19 years which is a very period as it is a slow-moving planet and it gives its results in a very concrete manner i.e. long-lasting and deeply impacting.

What is Ketu in Astrology ?

Ketu – It is also known as the south node of the Moon. It is a shadow planet and it always moves in a retrograde manner i.e. if Other planets are moving from east to west then KETU and Ketu move West to east. Another point to note with Ketu is it is always equidistant from KETU (North Node of Moon) and both these are always retrograde, it’s very rare and only for a very brief moment that these planets are seen as either stationary or in non-retrograde motion.
Ketu is a planet which is the only headless planet in the planetary system and it is said to be striving for Moksha/Salvation. It has everything in it and it doesn’t have any thirst except that of Moksha. It is also one that causes the Grahan yog with the luminaries i.e. Sun and Moon.
As per some Vedic scriptures, Ketu acts like Mars i.e. Mangal.

Ketu is said to be the salvation-seeking planet or planet that if followed well will help any person walk on the path that will help in one’s salvation/Moksha. It is said to be better in the moksha sthan i.e. 4,8 and 12 houses. It feels happy when in the houses of Jupiter because Jupiter’s houses are the house of knowledge.

When do these two planets meet in the zodiac?

As we just know that Saturn moves around the zodiac approximately. 30 years i.e. it stays for 2.5 years in 1 zodiac sign and KETU moves around the zodiac in 18 years i.e. it stays in one zodiac sign approximately for. 18.
These two planets meet once approximately every 12 years or so.
Since both the planets alone only are known as malefic planets one can understand the effect of the combination of these two malefic in a person’s horoscope.
This conjunction of Saturn with Ketu is different from its conjunction with RAHU. RAHU is a materialistic planet and known for trying to rule even over the Sun thus causing the eclipse whereas Ketu is headless with no sense of self-realisation through the senses which are available with RAHU. It is a symbol of complete surrendering or complete dependence on other planets placed along with it.

What does the meaning of Ketu Saturn conjunction

According to a saying in Vedic astrology (Shanivat RAHU, Kujwat Ketu) means KETU is like Saturn and Ketu is like Mars.
This is a very intense conjunction as both the planets have separative tendencies/capabilities with other factors included. This conjunction brings a sense of acceptance in the native towards the factuality of disconnection/dissociation. One might live very normally without realizing the depth of this characteristic in oneself in relation to the rest of society.
Generally, it is said that Planets mature at certain ages which means that Planets start to give what they are capable of giving in a particular horoscope after a certain number of years. Saturn matures after one complete cycle that is at least 30 years so it is said to be maturing around 35-36 years, however, in conjunction with the KETU and Ketu this maturity is delayed and Saturn also achieves its maturity post 45+ years of age.

Wherever this conjunction is happening there could be some kind of stillness in the characteristics as shown by that house and zodiac sign as well. This will also result in anxiety in the person and an inability to express as well. One will keep looking for something or other related to the house or zodiac that could give the feeling of completeness.

These are two dark energies of similar type but with different purposes having been kept in the horoscope by the divine designer.
In our next VIDEO, we will discuss how this CONJUNCTION affects a person when present in FIRST HOUSE OF BIRTH CHART AND various houses and what factors could be beneficial and where it could cause some damage as well as Ketu Shows detachment wherever it is placed and Shani shows slowness so one can imagine easily now one very clear indication that this is showcasing the struggle between detachment and repetition, servitude trying to go together in this kali yug.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about the Saturn-Ketu conjunction in the birth chart:

  1. What does a Saturn-Ketu conjunction in the birth chart signify?
  • The Saturn-Ketu conjunction in a birth chart signifies a period of intense discipline, focus, and introspection. This conjunction often brings about a deep spiritual or karmic lesson, encouraging the individual to let go of materialistic attachments and focus on inner growth and maturity.
  1. How does the Saturn-Ketu conjunction affect an individual’s career?
  • In terms of career, this conjunction might indicate challenges that require perseverance and hard work. The individual might face obstacles in their career path, but these challenges are meant to steer them towards their true purpose or calling. Success can be achieved through dedication and embracing change.
  1. Can the Saturn-Ketu conjunction lead to difficulties in relationships?
  • Yes, this conjunction can lead to difficulties in relationships as it encourages solitude and introspection, making the individual more inclined towards isolation or feeling misunderstood by others. However, it also offers a chance to learn valuable lessons about detachment, self-reliance, and the spiritual aspects of relationships.
  1. Is the Saturn-Ketu conjunction karmic?
  • Absolutely, the Saturn-Ketu conjunction is considered highly karmic. It often brings up past karma for resolution, forcing the individual to face the consequences of their actions and learn lessons that are crucial for their spiritual growth and evolution.
  1. How long does the influence of the Saturn-Ketu conjunction last?
  • The influence of this conjunction is felt most strongly when transiting Saturn and Ketu align in the sky, affecting the individual for the duration of the transit, typically for about a year. However, the karmic lessons and changes initiated by this conjunction can have a lasting impact on the individual’s life.
  1. What are the potential benefits of having a Saturn-Ketu conjunction in the birth chart?
  • The potential benefits include spiritual growth, increased discipline, and a deeper understanding of life’s transient nature. It can also help individuals develop resilience, focus on what truly matters, and let go of fears and attachments that hinder their growth.
  1. How can one mitigate the challenges posed by the Saturn-Ketu conjunction?
  • Engaging in spiritual practices, meditation, and self-reflection can help mitigate the challenges. It’s also important to embrace change, practice patience, and focus on personal growth. Seeking guidance from a spiritual mentor or astrologer can provide support and clarity.
  1. Does the house placement of the Saturn-Ketu conjunction change its effects?
  • Yes, the house placement significantly influences the effects of the conjunction. Each house represents different areas of life, so the conjunction’s lessons and challenges will relate to the themes of the specific house it occupies in the birth chart. Understanding the house placement can provide deeper insights into the individual’s karmic lessons and growth areas.

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